Translate static texts from within the SilverStripe admin
Lingo is a module for SilverStripe 4 that lets you translate static texts defined in a yml file, from within the SilverStripe admin.

We at North Creation Agency have been working with SilverStripe since some time around 2009. Back then SilverStripe was in version two point something and a lot has happen to the platform since then. And of course almost everything is to the better but one thing that the version 2 had thats not been available for the version 3 and now 4 is a module called customtranslations.
Customtranslations was a module that could override default translations placed in the SilverStripe static php translation files by providing an admin interface where you could add and manage language overrides.
We used that module quite much for the sites that we built at the time and the customers really appreciated that they could change almost every text in the site by themselves, from within the admin.
So that is a module that we have been sort of missing since then. But now it is here and this time it is called Lingo.
With the module Lingo we have borrowed the idea from customtranslations that you as a developer should be able to add translation strings to static files which are then read by the system and placed in the database. Then we can provide an admin interface for the translations and let the editor of the site override them if needed.
If you also think that this sounds like a good idea, please go ahead an try it out by yourself. You find the link to the git repo at the bottom of this article. Enjoy.